APICS SCC APICS Supply Chain Council

APICS Supply Chain Council (APICS SCC) is the world’s largest unbiased non-profit supply chain organization that advances supply chains through research, benchmarking, and publications. Business leaders, academia, and global enterprises gain insights, information, and actionable data through APICS SCC’s supply chain network, frameworks, and resources.

SCOR Framework

The Supply Chain Operations Reference model (SCOR) is the world’s leading supply chain framework, linking business processes, performance metrics, practices and people skills into a unified structure.

Employ the SCOR framework at your organization and:

  • Increase the speed of system implementations
  • Support organizational learning goals
  • Improve inventory turns
Supply Chain Council
4 Sessions
20 | 30 hours
€ 1.795 excl VAT


This two-day course is suited for professionals new to the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) framework and implementation body of knowledge. Based on a solid repository of improvement program metrics and processes, SCOR has evolved to become an important performance management-tool for companies seeking to elevate their supply chain performance.

Customer evaluation


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Questions? Contact us:

Phone:  +31(0) 85 401 3474
Email address: [email protected]

COC number: 71052208

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