Sessions2 days

APICS TTT Train the trainer

This training is for persons who want to become an instructor or improve their teaching skills. The scope of the course is on the acquisition of teaching skills. The program is not related to any APICS or other content.

This course is open for:

  • Current and future APICS instructors
  • SCOR Instructors
  • Demand Driven Instructors
  • Other instructors involved in adult learning

ASCM and Demand Driven Institute require their instructors to follow this two-day TTT training.


After you have taken the training and have reviewed your recorded presentations, you will be more aware of how to contribute to your students' learning by creating a learning environment. You will be able to develop lesson plans for your students and how to improve these plans continuously.

You will see how to use the space in your classroom and position the equipment you use, the furniture layout, and yourself in the room. After the training, you will know what media to select depending on the message you want to bring forward. The topic on media use will come with a comparison between weak and strong points of each. You will learn how to build a relationship with your students.

When confronted with unexpected, challenging situations, you will be able to choose an adequate response. During the classroom discussion, you learn how you may anticipate this kind of event.

Required knowledge

There are no prerequisites for participating. It certainly helps when you have some experience in teaching adults.


The APICS TTT is an interactive two-day training in teaching skills. TTT is mandatory training for upcoming or newly started APICS instructors. 

During the training, you will learn how to design your lessons and how to involve the learners.  You will learn how to address the varying learning styles of the students you are teaching and to make that part of the lesson plans.

You will also learn how to use the physical environment for optimal interaction and a minimum of distraction. You will learn methods to communicate with your students effectively. A crucial element in the bidirectional communication between participants and the instructor is the attention for non-verbal communication.

During the two days, you get the opportunity to design and present two mini-lessons. You will get feedback from your fellow participants as well as from the instructors. We make recordings of your presentations, which we will hand out to you at the end of the second day.

TTT is part of the Instructor Development Program (IDP). After finishing the TTT and gaining more teaching experience, you could continue your professional development by following the two-day training Learning Dynamics for Instructors (LDI).


The course will be in Amstelveen. The training location is between Amsterdam and Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. The training is a two-day format from 9:00 – 17:30.

15 and 16 December 2025

Your instructors for this course will be:

Derk Kuiper (Visie Partners, The Netherlands)

Vincent (Visie Partners, The Netherlands)



Time investment

The training is a two-day format from 9:00 – 17:30. Before the start of the training, you need to prepare for the first day. Preparation for the first and second day requires a few hours.


Financial investment

The cost of participation will be € 500 for ASCM members and € 650 for non-members of ASCM. The training cost includes printed course materials. At the end of the course, you receive the recorded presentation of the mini-lessons you will deliver. The amounts mentioned are exclusive btw/VAT. Upon confirmation, you can book a room at the hotel.



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Questions? Contact us:

Phone:  +31(0) 85 401 3474
Email address: [email protected]

COC number: 71052208

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